In other news, the other day our friends P&M's 2 yr old daughter shoved a large bead up her nose and needed to go to the local clinic, so Scott and I babysat their 4 yr old and 8 month old- so cute! They came home from the clinic with the bead still in there and ended up using tweezers to get the bead out themselves! The baby was a bit distraught to be away from mommy, so Scott held her the whole time and it was really cute!
Also, I was reading The Undomestic Goddess (again) by Sophie Kinsella when I was inspired by the main character to make a chiffon (very light) cake! So here is my creation-
A lemon Chiffon cake with lemon glaze! My first one! Yeah!
It turned out really well and I was all proud of myself- although Scott couldn't try any cuz he's given up sweets for lent:('s been all about the Bride's Cookbook from Betty Crocker- this was one great wedding gift- and I cannot remember who it is from- so if it was you, please let us know!!
And I thought I'd show everyone what baby gifts my girlfriends who came to visit last weekend gave us! We loved all the gifts, and tonight at the mall, thanks to Nanny:), we were able to buy a bassinette for the baby! It has lights, music and vibrates! We really wanted to have that and the car seat as necessities b4 the baby comes and now we're all set, we just have to get the car seat inspected and installed and then we are good to go. The baby seems to be trying to bust out of mummy's tummy sometimes and causes her some discomfort and pain at times, so I understand now why people say the last few weeks are the hardest (and for some, so are the first few weeks aswell)! Anyways, it's late so we are off to bed! Night night:), and thanks for reading:)
Scott and Baby Bibs (nickname of course:)
All the baby gifts!! Thanks again gals!
won't be long now dee! yay!
The gifts from everyone are so nice! The cake looks awesome! Hope these weeks aren't too bad for you! Not long now!
I want a piece of that cake, it looks soooooo delicious! Good job, Dee:).
Great gifts from your friends! You must be so happy to be almost ready for the babe, just go get that carseat inspected so you can actually bring the little one home!!!!:)
Undomestic Goddess *is* hilarious, I love when she tries to fry the chick peas. My best friend loves that she has such a competitive streak, she can't bear the idea of not landing the housekeeper job!
I absolutely love the scent of lemons lately, I can't help but poke them with my fingernail to bring out all the oils. Hope you didn't have to eat that cake all by yourself! :P
Great gifts! My pillow is one of the gifts I got that I used the most! They're so awesome!
Hey Dee, that cake looks so good. It must smell a lot like dishwasher soap, the lemon scent, eh? hehe. I'll call you soon. Love you so much!
Did you get the card I sent? I didn't have your I sent it to the church, (I googled it...and got the address :O)
All the best, from your map making friend,
Aw, I love these last two posts. You sure are blessed with great friends. I got a little teary eyed, too! I hope your last few weeks go well.
Well, yes the very pretty pink bead did come out! Thanks again for 'sitting' the other 2. That was the first time we left Bibby with anyone other than family. I guess that means you two are family now! Can't wait to see you soon, under better circumstances!
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