Friday, May 19, 2006

Scott has his Master of Divinity!

Scott snd Matt graduated at 3:00 Sunday, May 14th. Scott's Mom and Dad and I went to the grad, and it was especially memorable for Scott's mom who was also, of course!, celebrating mother's day! So here they are---> the new grads! Scott graduated with his Master of Divinity and Matt graduated with a Master of Arts in Theology! It was so nice to share this day with Matt and Christine, especially knowing how much went into earning these degrees. It was also super nice that our new church in McAdam sent us a graduation card and everyone signed it!!

Proffs in their robes- they look very proffesional don't they?!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Graduation Weekend!

Tonight (Friday), Scott and the rest of his graduating class of 25 MDiv Students were commissioned- that means that they were formally dedicated to God's Work. It was a very exciting event! First we had a dinner to which Scott and I, Mom and Dad Kohler, and Scott's bro Graeme and wife Jen (who's expecting their 3rd!) came. We had a nice meal, a yummy dessert, a short program, and then each graduand received an Acadia alumni pin.

Proud Family and Scottie

The Gaduating Group- see Scott in the centre and Jarvis on his right

Scott Receiving his Alumni Pin

After that we went to Wolfville Baptist Chruch down the hill and there was a formal comissioning service at which our fave proff Jonathan Wilson spoke (and it was awesome!!!) about delighting in God, and going out to preach God's good news of hope in Jesus Christ, and making disciples of Jesus- knowing God is with you all the time. Then one of the other proffs- Loinel Moriah prayed for the grads while staff/supervisors/mentors of them gathered around and laid hands on them while they were commisioned to the work of the Kingdom of God. Our pastor John was there, and it was awesome that some Kentville Baptist people came, too!

Scottie, we are VERY proud of you, and I know how hard you've worked to get to this point (and so do your parents!). We love you very much- congratulations!!


Today is the day. Tonight I'll be commissioned (for the second time, but don't tell - it's a secret) by the Div College at their annual Commissioning Service. There's also a commissioning dinner tonight, which is always nice. Mom and Dad and Graeme and Jenn will all be coming for that. Then Sunday, it's graduation day! I can't believe it's finally here, after five years off and on at Acadia (I missed a year to meet Dee - worth it).

Our Poland trip is coming upon us quickly - we leave in two and a half weeks. Time certainly seems to fly as years go by. It's scary sometimes.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Scott and Shawn Say Goodbye to Adventure Club

Adventure Club is the midweek ministry our church puts on for kids in grades 4-6. There is a LOT of kids there (maybe 60-70), and each grade has leaders, 2 of whom are Scott and Shawn. Since they're both done their studies at Acadia and are moving on (Shawn to do a PhD in Scotland with Bev and their 4 kids, and Scott and I to McAdam) Adventure Club had a farewell night for the boys! They each had a farewell song written for and sung to them, as well as a group photo given to them. Tonight was my first time at Adventure Club and here are some photos from tonight:

Scott surrounded by the kidlets!

Scott and Shawn were the main players (targets??) in this game where they had to get up from their chairs and run around all the kids on their side and back to their chair again about 10 times...what a workout- but they were both great sports!

Shawn's Farewell Song by Janet, Juanita and Devin

Scott getting a second workout leading action songs-
mostly Duggie Dug Dug music!

Scott's Farewell Song- it had great words!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Houseguests- (Is that all one word???)

Lately we've had many visitors at our little house in Wolfville! It's been very fun- and our guests don't seem to mind the couch too much! Here's Jarvis, who stayed for a few nights while his girlfriend Janet was visiting from Ontario. Late one night I was trying to work in the kitchen on an essay, while hearing muffled laughter coming from the couch. For some reason, it's east for Malagashians (Those who worked at/went to Malagash Bible Camp) to get each other laughing. It could be that they share so many funny stories...or it could be, like with Jarv, that one has learned what makes their fellow campmate bust a gut:)

Here is Christina (AKA-Chris), our friend from the Div College. We shared a Theology class, and she and Scott had a class together too. Chris came to school in January and we've made a new friend in this New Brunswickan! Chris and Scott and I are going to Poland on the mission trip together and the 3 of us will be travelling together afterwards, too! She is staying at our house last night and tonight for a Poland meeting here in the Valley, since she's back in NB until we leave.
Chris is also a fellow scrapbooker, and we got her hooked on the best show in the history of time (no arguments)--ALIAS!!!! :)
BTW we are all constantly receiving support for the Poland Mission Trip, and are very encouraged and amazed at God's provision!

I like to call this picture: "Chris-in-a-Blanket"

Monday, May 01, 2006

Scott meets Duggie Dug Dug!

Doug Horley (Duggie Dug Dug), children's musician extraordinaire, came to Rock Church this weekend to do a couple of praise parties and a leaders workshop. I went Friday night and Saturday morning, and got to enjoy the music and learn some new action songs. After Friday night Laurie Ewer from HCA introduced me to him and I got my picture taken. Here we are!