Sunday, August 20, 2006

Fox and Friend

My good friend Stephanie (Fox now Esson) lives in Miramichi which is only 3 hours away from McAdam!! Yeah!! We try to meet up every few weeks or so in Freddy for the day to hang out, chat and shop!! We've known each other a loooong time, and Steph was even my camp counselor once! I'm very thankful for this girl and our friendship! Along with Dev and Lenore and us, Steph and Matt were married last year on June 18th, too! Hopefully, sometime this fall Scottie and I will be able to visit Matt and Stepho in Miramichi!!

Stephie and Dee

The road to a friend's house is never long...(3 hrs isn't THAT long!)

Tomorrow we are headed home to Halifax for a visit with fam, Wolfville for Baptist Convention and Bridgewater for Nathalie's wedding- it should be a nice break, and great to see everyone again!


The Essons said...

awwwww dee! it was great to see you last week! i am so glad that we're not too far apart and can enjoy days together like that!
have a great week away -love ya!

Matt, Christine, Elijah, Joseph, Sarah, & Oliver said...

Three hours:) I guess it's better than six! So nice that you two can get together. See you soon!

Oh, Matt has a new pop, called Moxi that he wants you to try. It's from the New England states. Spicy and dark. If you're like me, you won't like it. If you're like Matt, you might enjoy it. We'll see!

The Davidson Clan said...

Can't wait to see you, Dee!!! Wild times in the Maritimes.

Tara and Aaron Spencer said...

Hey Dee

Maybe I will get to see you when you come to the Miramichi:) You were always so much fun to be around and I would love to hear you sing and play the guitar again!

Janna said...

Hey dudettes. So sweet to hear that you got to spend some good quality time together. (I'm jealous :)You both look to you