So the newest exciting thing here is that Emily is now 6 weeks old and we're anxiously awaiting- and trying without shame to instigate- a smile from Emily...she smiles in her sleep all the time, and last night when I was feeding her she fell asleep and laughed in her sleep!! It was so cute and then when she opened her eyes she saw a very pleasantly surprised, wide-eyed mommy staring down at her and looked at me with this puzzled look on her face- it was pretty funny:)
You'll also see a pic of Scott bottle feeding Emily...that's because today I started pumping breast milk so I can have a little more freedom- I find it so adorable to watch her drink from a bottle, but it's also awesome being able to directly provide for her- so I'm glad to be breastfeeding, too.
We went to the doctor's this week for my postpartum check-up and everything's fine with me besides this crazy rash which has completed another outbreak cycle and now is disappearing, while my skin remains, sometimes insanely, itchy. When we saw the allergist last week she told us that yes it seems like a drug rash for sure, and that it can take up to 2 months for a drug/allergen to clear out of your bloodstream. It seems that sometimes the immune system gets switched on and has a hard time shutting off- which seems to be the case with the labour drugs and my hopefully it's only a few weeks away from being completely over- it's mostly bothersome at night sincce there are fewer distractions and I just lay there feeling itchy all over...ugh:( Emily was checked out and she was great and now weighs 9lbs8ozs!
Also, at church this week the oldest member of our church, Mary, turned 95, and she wanted to have her picture taken with the youngest person in the church- Emily! So enjoy those pics- they're super cute. Emily is also starting to make more baby noises, not just silence or that's been really really cute and special for us. She also doesn't sleep much in the day now- only 20 minute naps here and there...but she IS sleeping thru most nighttimes and giving us a straight 5 hour rest!! Yeah and Praises for that! Enjoy the pics!!:
We set up some blankets so Em can play on the floor-she kicks a lot (just like when she was inside me!) and I think that's how she gets her excercise:)