Our time in Poland was unforgettable. We saw and experienced so much:
many Polish eyes empty of hope; dismal about Poland's political and economical histroy and future, the horrific and important site of Auswich, teaching english to eager young people and encouraging them that they are the ones who can make a change for the better in their country, and sharing with them our reason for coming to teach english for a week: our love for God and desire to share His love with them.
This is the shower in the church (the church housed great facilities for people to stay there for either short or long term)- unlike North America there is no shower curtain and the shower is handheld- very commmon in Europe.

Here's me smilin' for the cam (and Scott). We all wore nametags with Polish and Canadian flags on them.

This van was great, it fit about 8 people and only had seatbelts in the front. To have these 2 symbols together in Poland is a rare sight.

Ania, a youth leader at the church in Katowice, is an awesome girl, totally committed to serving Christ with her life, and has loads of personality (and craziness!- maybe that's why we became friends so quickly- or maybe it was the hair...). Her 2 sisters Ola and Helena were also great girls who helped us out a lot while we were at the church- whether it was with meals, translating, hugs of encouragement, mini Polish lessons, whatever!

Here is me with my class (Christina and I taught this class together-Advanced Level). They are all very intellegent women who are either in Uni., or looking for work (not an easy task in Poland).

L-R: Monica, Dominika, Magda, Yola, Me, Korolina, Anna's sister and Anna.
Very cool! It was nice to talk to you the other night, Dee. I can't wait to catch up more.
Hey Stott and Dee,
How are things going in McAdam? Wolfville is not as fun without you. In fact, it is like chocolate chip cookies without the fluff-o; Alias without Vaughan-athon; a day without adding music to it; you get the picture :-)
Anywho, if you guys could pray for a new development: the Baptist top-dog in Scotland asked me to send my resume to a church, which is just down the road from the place where we have a flat reserved! It would be great if it worked out.
We hope to see you soon. We pray you are settling in well.
Peace out, homies (Elijah says that now!)
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