This is our new house! We love it! As the sign says, it is the Baptist Parsonage.

McAdam has about 1500 people, a general store, an old and partially restored train station, a variety/video store, a little tanning/hairdressing place, a diner, a lounge/restaurant/ 4 room motel, a pizza place, a subway place, a little library/ tourism place, police station and firestation, and a post office. Oh and 2 schools, elementary and high school.
Well when I write it out like that it seems this town has a lot, doesn't it? It also has a lot of character, quietness, charm and nice people and weather, aside from the daily thunder and lightning showers. We've been really enjoying life here so far...everyday I feel more and more at home. Yesterday we visited Green Hill Lake Camp where our buddy from Acadia- Al-had been directing the camp, but was finished or on vacation ir something while we were there. They have a great facility- and they have these huge floating things out on the lake that campers (wearing PDFs, mind you) can play on- a huge iceburg shaped thing that you climb up and slide down, a huge teetertotter and a trampoline. We went these with Andrew Kelly and we all had so much fun! I was sore today from all the excercise!
This weekend we have our first non-family visitors- Maryanne Bailey and her mom are staying with us tonight, and tomorrow night we have the Devin and Lenore Team coming up to participate in the ongoing "Battle of the Sexes" Dutch Blitz Tornament with us. My guess? Girls are gonna kick some boy butt. hehehe....:) Anyways, mom and dad (Scott's) are now here for a week with us (staying with our friends for the weekend due to space shortage), so we're looking forward to that.
I've been picking lots of Raspberries in our backyard everyday and we're gonna make jam while mom and dad are here to help us;)! We had our friends Elizabeth and Tony over tonight to play dutch blitz and eat pizza, and then when everyone arrived we all chilled and talked it was great! Also, Liz took me swimming on the St Croix River today and we swam from the US to Canada and then back again. It was so funny, and fun....swimming is awesome! There are so many lakes around here! Time for bed, it's almost Sunday!
Thanks for posting the pictures!!! It's so nice to see where you live. Now I can really picture you there:). Glad you're settling in well, we need to chat again soon! Take care, we miss you.
How cool is that, swimming from Canada to the US! Are you allowed to do that?
Looks like you are both settling in nicely there; so glad to hear you have made Dutch Blitz friends already!!
We hope to get to see you guys before heading overseas. McAdam isn't that far from Saint John and we'll be there for a week just before we go. It would be great to see you both; We would love to stop by for some raspberries too!
Keep swimmin' and servin'!!
Hi Dee! Wow, it's so great to see pictures of you and Scott and be able to see where you are living! Sarah and I actually drove down to Christine and Matt's today so that I'd have a little chance to catch up with them before I head back down south next Saturday. We stopped at a u-pick, and gathered 14 pints of raspberries...and I just made jam (with a little help from my mom) tonight!! :) That's a qa-winky-dink! Anyways, I sure wish that I could catch up with you...have you checked out Steph and Matt's blog? She has posted pictures of you three girls at Missions Fest and someday, one sweet day, (if the LORD doesn't come to get us first) we'll get a pic of the four of us again! :)Well, love you girl. I'm so excited to hear what you guys are up to and thrilled to have a way to keep in touch. I'm about to set up my own blog, so I'll keep you posted. :) Much love to you, and prayers that the Word of Christ will dwell in you (plural :) richly! j
p.s. only bloggers can post comments on your blog...you might want to change that?!? :)
Hi Lori! Yeah, you guys should definitely come and see us! The kids would love it here- lots of space to play and explore- come anytime- if you were in need of a bed we would find you one- just let us know! Love dee><>
Hi Stott and Dee,
I would like it if you did not use my former identity, Skeletor. I have worked (ate) hard to gain 25-30 lbs. and I would appreciate some R-E-S-P-E-C-T, just a little bit.
:-) Peace out,
Skeletor, uh, I mean, Mattie Karate
Hey Dee!! Freakin'long time huh? Life just strikes me funny sometimes cause people grow up, move away, get married, have kids, life goes on, and you don't find out that people have blogs until you accidently come across a comment they make one someone elses blog and then you are like...oh my word, I haven't seen that person in like...EVER! Makes me really look forward to Heaven's Reunion, cause serioulsy, I've desperately lost track of many people-some significant people from my past life (sounds like I'm Hindu...you know what I mean) Anyway! All that to say, I'm really excited for you...congrats on the Marriage (yes, a REALLY long time since I've talked to you!!). I love seeing how the Lord has been working in people's lives over the years...He is amazing to me. Anyway. Just wanted to say hi, let you know that I'm still alive and am excited about where God has you in life :) See you at the Family Reunion in not sooner... love ya'
PS:"Good job Shakespear!"...Oh Death where is thy victory!? Where is thy Sting!? :) :) :) :)
Good to see you guys settling in. Enjoy the small town life!
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