Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Poland Day Six

Back in the internet cafe... Scott this time. We've done a couple of days of English classes now, visited a high school (where we spoke to nine classes about life in Canada - three classes per three people), and met with a professor at the Catholic seminary in Katowice. Tomorrow we'll be visiting Auschwitz, where I expect we'll all have our eyes opened even wider to something we all know about but haven't seen quite so closely.

Tonight at our English classes we're having Canada Night, where we'll do all kinds of Canadian things, songs, food, etc. Should be fun.

We're having a fantastic time, and recently were able to do our first load of laundry in over a week. Believe me, that is a happy occasion (for us and probably others too...)

This is a short post, but I have a limited number of minutes here to do a LOT of things!

Please post and leave your comments - we'll check again in a couple days!


Matt, Christine, Elijah, Joseph, Sarah, & Oliver said...

Hey Stott and Dee,

Work for Ken is going pretty well; I am done War book 3. Getting ready to start LXX. I am glad things are going well in POland. Sorry to hear you missed your flight. We miss you guys and we look forward to our visit to big McAdam!! Remember, if you need an extraction, just call. I can see your every move! Now, that's "empire strikes back cool".
Marshall, uh I mean Matt.

Shawn, Bev, and Family said...

So glad to hear you are well. We have been praying. I better you are having a blast and doing some great work there.
Hope to hear more!