Monday, May 12, 2008

Guess What??:)

Yep- we're pregnant!!! I'm 3 months along now and my due date is November 24th! We are very excited and looking forward to having a playmate and sibling for Em-Bem. She is a jewel, so we thought we'd keep it going...:) Belly pics to follow....


Anonymous said...

Congrats!! I'm sooo happy for you and I pray that you have a wonderful pregnancy! Paul and I want to try again in November.

The Barretts said...

CONGRATS!! That's awesome!

pstewart said...

Congratulations. :)

Laura, Denis and Aiden said...

Hey Dee...that's awesome news! Congratulations

Tom, Leah, Josie & Sam said...

Congrats Dee! That's Fantastic! How are you feeling?

Sarah said...

Woohoo! Brilliant news. I look forward to more belly pics and more excitement. Enjoy this time. Blessings, Sarah.

K & G said...

Congrats Dee!! :)

The Essons said...

Congratulations sweet Dee! So happy for you guys!

Melanie said...

Hi Scott and Dee!
Congratulations! Your mom told me on Sunday - she was really excited!!! I was visiting NS on mothers day and got to go to the service. I miss you guys a lot! Take care!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! So exciting for you three!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dee! That is amazing...speaking as the mom of has it's fun moments and trying moments, but is sooo worth every second!