Saturday, November 12, 2011

Halloween, etc. 2011

Thanks, Barb for taking our pictures! 

Emily=Princess, Me=Rockstar and yes I own those pants, Scott=Harry Potter (totally!) and Owen is an "O-BOT", like robot without the R- handmade by daddy:)

 The kids and their friend Myles- here they are "babies in a crib" being bottle fed by Emily:)

Soooo, I kind of dyed my hair purple!:)

I actually wanted the purple to be more vibrant than this, but I think you'd have to bleach it out first to get that effect- anyways, I'm really happy with my new colors (top and bottom layers):)! 

Peek!  Purple on the bottom layers!
A little hard to tell.

Streaky from where I had blonde before...I like it.
And hair down almost hides it entirely.  I'm sneaky I tell ya:)

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Vancouver Part 1

Flying over the Prairies! Hi Curtis and Bonnie and family!

Welcome to Vancouver!

Sisters together again!
Granville Market-very fun:)


Oh you know, there are just some mountains over there.

Me and Scott on Granville Island
Meeting up with my old pal Hannah!  She lives there now:)

We loved hanging out with Tony around Regent-  I loved this art as you come in the door.

Tony and Scott- and read the wall- it's cool:)
The atrium at Regent where Tony studied a lot.  What a cool place to visit!

View of the city from Granville- very different from McAdam!:)